Walker Recycling Inc dba JW & Sons
2250 N Saint Louis Batesville, Arkansas 72501
(870) 793-9010

scrap metal

Scrap Metal Recycling

Walker Recycling Inc dba JW & Sons is Batesville's premiere location for scrap metal recycling. Our business offers every resource required for recycling scrap metal material. With multiple sized containers, we can place a container on-site and will pick up or swap whenever needed. Our mission is to raise awareness of the necessity of recycling and how it betters the world we live in.

Accepting a variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, we give our clients a fair price for their metal materials. If you're unsure of what classifies as ferrous or non-ferrous, a quick trick to determine that is by using a magnet. If the magnet sticks to your scrap metal, you know it's ferrous. If the magnet does not stick, it's non-ferrous metal. Take a look below to see the types of metal materials we accept. For more details, feel free to call us at (870) 793-9010.

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Materials We Accept

Non-Ferrous Metals

-Copper and light copper

-Insulated copper wire

-Copper and brass turnings

-Red and yellow brass

-Auto radiators

-Aluminum copper radiators

-Electric motors


-Lead-acid batteries

Aluminum Scrap


-Aluminum cans


-Aluminum siding

-Cast aluminum


aluminum cans

Scrap Steel

-Cast iron

-Heavy machinery

-Heavy steel

-Light sheet

-Old appliances

-Plate and structural steel

-Motor blocks


-Stainless scrap

-Vehicles (only with clear title)


-We Do Buy Tangled Up Fence

Materials We do not Accept

Below is a list of materials that are not accepted without a letter of disposal and authorization from the company of origin.

-Concrete aluminum forms

-Phone wire

-Street signs

-Sewer lids (aluminum or steel)

-Bridge railings

-Any railroad property (except from Official Railroad Personal)

-Cemetery markers

-New-construction steel

-Water meters

-Any guardrail or state property

-Beer kegs

-Soda cylinders

-Gas cylinders

-Grocery carts

-Dock plates

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